Treehouse Innovation Our Blog

All things innovative and interesting

How leaders make or break innovation

Hey there, leader I know you’re really busy but….. we need to talk about innovation.

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Building a Culture of Innovation in Legal Services

The trends that are driving change in the legal sector are well known: clients demanding more for less, the billable hour under fire, shifting workforce demographics, the growing need for global reach.

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Managing Partner Magazine – Innovation Cover Story

Design thinking is new to legal services, but as innovation continues to rise as a top priority for law firms, the age of the ‘design thinking law firm’ may be upon us.

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Future Proof Me This…

Concepts like “future-proofing” strategy, that imply the ability to somehow foresee and guard against unknown future events, can sometimes carry mysterious and almost mystical connotations — especially when viewed alongside more prosaic methodologies in the modern leader’s toolkit such as LEAN or TQM.

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Storyboarding for better solutions

In recent years, storyboarding has moved off of artists’ easels and into the boardroom, as many of the benefits long appreciated in other industries are realized in the realm of business.

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Enough creativity for today, now get back to work

In 2012, a very revealing study was conducted by the folks at Adobe to get a sense of how important global executives thought creativity was for business.

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Press clippings

Why lawyers make great designers. No, really.

In an increasingly competitive market, subject to multiple pressures from evermore demanding clients, advancements in technology, and more businesses offering legal services, law firms have to do something to make them stand out from the crowd.

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Why remote innovation is a key part of your leadership toolkit

Innovation has become an integral part of the leadership toolkit; due to current global challenges this has rapidly accelerated to a new skillset which focuses on enabling remote innovation…

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SRoundtable: GCs draw their nightmares

Over the past six months, an incessant stream of worries has troubled the minds of in-house counsels across the world…

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Slaughter and May – The Lens: Design thinking – listen to your user… but not too much!

In a legal context, design thinking can be applied to challenges being faced within a law firm, or by clients within their organisations.

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Let's talk
If you can spare the time for a 30 min ZOOM call, a member of our senior team would be happy to discuss your aspirations and challenges, and explain how we can help.