Helping diversity, equity and inclusion professionals lead change

For two years in a row now, we’ve been invited to run the ExperienceChange™ workshop on the DE&I Professional Leadership Programme, led by Charlotte Sweeney Associates and Cambridge Cubed.

The programme brings together diversity, equity and inclusion professionals from a variety of sectors to help them step up to their leadership challenges and potential.

Through the ExperienceChange™ workshop, we explored with participants how they can ​​accelerate and realise the potential of their ideas, strategies and solutions.

We ran this one-day workshop virtually and took the group through an experiential case-based simulation of change within a corporation. In this fun, engaging experience, participants did three exercises to help them understand the problem the organization is facing, make a plan for change, and then implement that plan.

It’s a pleasure to be part of this wider programme, which is all about supporting diversity, equity and inclusion leaders to get extraordinary things done in their organisations.

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