Future strategy

Create your future strategy and bring your whole organization on the journey.

At Treehouse, we help you shape your future strategy to drive real growth and prepare your business to thrive in a changing world.

Whether it’s exploring new markets, redesigning your operations around AI, or finding innovative ways to meet customer needs, we empower organizations to succeed and endure.

Let us help you make smart, future-ready decisions while uniting your people around a shared purpose.

What kind of change do you need to make happen?

Align your people around a new strategy?

Align your people around a new strategy?

Explore what the future might hold for your business or sector

Explore what the future might hold for your business or sector?

Leverage AI

Leverage AI?

Form a point of view about the future

Form a point of view about the future?


We help you get solutions to big challenges in a compressed timeframe by creating human-centred, immersive events that deliver real clarity and results.

We bring your teams together to explore the future collaboratively, combining their expertise with our guidance to set a clear and ambitious vision. Together, we turn that vision into practical actions that everyone can stand behind.

We can help you with:
  • Strategy development events
  • Business strategy workshops
  • Collaborative strategy events
  • Innovation strategy workshops
  • Leadership strategy events

Success story

Sony PlayStation: Top 100 Leadership Summits

The gaming industry has been through a massive period of change in recent years. As gaming has moved online, gaming brands have had to fundamentally change their business models. They’re no longer just selling consoles

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Success story

The Futures Lab at LegalTechTalk 2024

Sponsored by DLA Piper and Ambar Partners

We created and ran the ‘Futures Lab’ at LegalTechTalk 2024, which took many of the event’s 2500 attendees on an immersive journey into the future of law through a series of illustrated ‘possible futures’.

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Success story

Freudenberg 175th Anniversary – Strategic and Creative Engagement

Together with global technology group Freudenberg we designed and delivered an event for 500 leaders, to collaboratively redefine their operating model.

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Design fiction

Sometimes the best way for an organisation to illustrate the future, is to bring it to life. Working with professional script writers, designers and film crews we are able to help create the story of your future so that you can excite your teams about the possibilities and bring your most important stakeholders along on the journey

User research

We help organisations to learn about the opportunities and barriers that exist for their customers and users to help pinpoint the problems and priorities that will shape the future.

Using the principles of human centered design our teams work with you to conduct targeted qualitative research, creating insights and recommendations which can be shared as multimedia reports, interactive workshops and keynote presentations.

Success story

LawtechUK: Improving access to justice

We explored what can be done to build an entrepreneurial ecosystem to help increase access to justice for civilians and small businesses through JusticeTech.

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Success story

ITAB: Creating greater value for customers with design thinking

ITAB partnered with Treehouse Innovation to create a repeatable process and toolset that could be used to engage customers and build confidence in the team and wider organisation as they put it into practice.

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Shaping AI Strategy

“I need to understand the possibilities of AI and create a strategy to deploy it where it will have the greatest impact in our organization”

Discover and prioritise the opportunities to use AI within your organisation to automate existing processes, augment services and roles, and develop new products and services. Define a future roadmap for AI in your business as well as strategies for implementing it.

Schedule a free consultation to discuss how we can help you achieve your goals.

Schedule a call

Creating an AI-ready Culture

“How do we create and lead a culture that is ready to embrace AI and adapt to change?”

Identity the key barriers and enablers for successful adoption of AI, and explore practical strategies for creating a culture that supports it. Explore common leadership challenges such as overcoming common issues including lack of awareness, fear of replacement, and resistance to change.

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Treehouse Innovation


Equip your people with critical skills to thrive in the age of constant change.

Go to Upskilling


Equip teams to creatively solve problems

Change leadership

Empower leaders to make change happen

Artificial Intelligence

Integrate AI tools for faster, better outcomes

i2: Power Skills

Assess and develop the skills to thrive through change