Neuroelectrics – SMS Madrid

Neuroelectrics empleyees giving thumbs up

The Strategic Management Society (SMS), as part of their 34th Annual International Conference, dedicated one day to tapping into the collective knowledge and creativity of their membership of leading strategy practitioners and academics to generate fresh thinking for one of today’s most innovative companies: Neuroelectrics.

A spin-off of StarLab, Neuroelectrics is one of the world’s most advanced companies in the field of neuroscience and computer-brain interface technology. Their medical device products are used in promoting brain health, including the treatment of strokes, and other disorders. Their work has recently been featured on Stephen Hawking’s Science of the Future on National Geographic.

What we did

Treehouse Innovation in partnership with ExperiencePoint and the sponsor team of the SMS, designed and delivered a one-day interactive workshop for 40 true strategy experts from the SMS. First, the group was introduced to a new framework for innovation using the ExperienceInnovation™ simulation.  Equipped with this common language and approach, the group worked to apply this new learning along with their deep strategy knowledge to explore the future strategy of Neuroelectrics from a human-centred perspective.

The outcome

The group generated a diverse set of future strategic recommendations for how Neuroelectrics might effectively leverage its unique expertise and technology from the healthcare space to address a wider set of user needs across market segments. Neuroelectrics founder and CEO found the session very useful both in terms of exploring a new approach to innovation and gaining a rapid influx of fresh strategic thinking about the future of their business.

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